Alle hier als Referenzen verwendeten Webseiten wurden im Juli 2021 besichtigt.
Ref. Nr. | Publikationstyp | Herausgeber | Autor | Jahr | Titel | Link, Buchseiten | |
1 | Online-Artikel | Google | 2021 | Untertiteleinstellungen verwalten | VIEW | ||
2 | Online-Artikel | UNDP | UNDP | 2020 | Human Development Index | VIEW | |
3 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | ADH Mitglieder | 2020 | Team und Helfer vom ADH Verein | VIEW | |
4 | Video | YouTube | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2019 | Change the World with Love, Speech by Wolfgang Schmidt, with Czech subtitles | VIEW | |
5 | Video | YouTube | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2018 | Change the World with Love | Wolfgang Schmidt | TEDxOpenGateSchool | VIEW | |
6 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Benjamin Carson | 2013 | Dr Benjamin Carson Sermon : In His Image (Video) | VIEW | |
7 | Video | YouTube | 2013 | Begnadete Hände – Trailer | VIEW | ||
8 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | 2020 | Inga Staudamm | VIEW | ||
9 | Online-Artikel | CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 2021 | Malaria’s Impact Worldwide | VIEW | |
10 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | Wikipedia | 2021 | Atrocities in the Congo Free State | VIEW | |
11 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | Wikipedia | 2021 | Kongogräuel | VIEW | |
12 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | Wikipedia | 2021 | Congo Free State | VIEW | |
13 | NGO-Website | World Without Genocide | World Without Genocide | 2020 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | VIEW | |
14 | Blogspot | CONGO SIASA | JASON STEARNS | 2012 | The UN report on Rwandan intervention in the eastern Congo | VIEW | |
15 | Online-Artikel | BBC News | Martin Plaut | 2007 | UN troops ‘traded gold for guns’ | VIEW | |
16 | Online-Artikel | BBC News | 2017 | Kasai unrest: UN experts found dead in DR Congo | VIEW | ||
17 | Online-Artikel | AL JAZEERA | Alain Uaykani | 2021 | Italian ambassador to DR Congo dies after WFP convoy attacked | VIEW | |
18 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2000 | Endlich durch den Zoll | VIEW | |
19 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2004 | Hinter den Kulissen | VIEW | |
20 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2004 | Neuigkeiten über unsere Arbeit in Kinshasa | VIEW | |
21 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2004 | Container Verteilung und neue Horizonte | VIEW | |
22 | Online-Artikel | Think Progress | Esther Yu Hsi Lee | 2016 | The Paradox of Congo | VIEW | |
23 | Online-Artikel | AL JAZEERA | AL JAZEERA, NEWS AGENCIES | 2017 | DR Congo loses $750m in mining revenues to corruption | VIEW | |
24 | NGO-Website | Global Witness | 2014 | Congo’s secret sales | VIEW | ||
25 | Online-Artikel | Eiti | 2015 | Understanding small scale and artisanal mining | VIEW | ||
26 | Online-Artikel | Global Research | Glen Ford | 2014 | Rwanda’s Formula for Success: Murder Your Neighbors and Steal Their Wealth | VIEW | |
27 | Online-Artikel | mobile geeks | Carsten Drees | 2015 | Coltan: An fast all unseren Smartphones klebt Blut | VIEW | |
28 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2020 | ADH Jahresberichte | VIEW | |
29 | NGO-Website | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2020 | ADH Berichte als PDF | VIEW | |
30 | Videos | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2020 | ADH Videos | VIEW | |
31 | Video | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2003 | ADH Bericht: Pygmäen Palmentanz | VIEW | |
32 | Online-Artikel | Reuters | Umberto Bacchi2017 | 2017 | 11 Million Professionals needed in Affric | VIEW | |
33 | Video | ADH e. V. | Wolfgang Schmidt | 2019 | Schulprojekt in Mabala (DRC) | VIEW | |
34 | Video | YouTube | Michael Apted | 2006 | Film: AMAZING GRACE (Trailer, Deutsch) | VIEW | |
35 | Video | YouTube | Fabrizio Costa | 2014 | Mother Theresa | VIEW | |
36 | Online-Artikel | ASIRT | Road Safety | VIEW | |||
37 | Online-Artikel | Our Daily Bread | Philip Parham | 1994 | Lazy fisherman | VIEW | |
38 | Video | YouTube | John Ortberg | 2012 | When the Game is Over It All Goes Back in the Box | VIEW | |
39 | Video | YouTube | Andy Stanley | 2019 | Born To Run | VIEW | |
40 | Online-Artikel | Press From | 2018 | Why fashion brands destroy billions worth of their own merchandise every year | VIEW | ||
41 | Online-Artikel | UN News | 2021 | Wasting food just feeds climate change, new UN environment report warns | VIEW | ||
42 | Online-Artikel | Tri-City Medical Center | 2017 | Why Everyone Keeps Saying “Sitting Is the New Smoking” | VIEW | ||
43 | Online-Artikel | BBC news | Joe Miller | 2014 | Britons spend more time on tech than asleep, study suggests | VIEW | |
44 | Online-Artikel | Rally Health | Melissa Pandika | 2016 | The Unexpected Effects of All That Screen Time | VIEW | |
45 | Online-Artikel | Digital Journal | Gunter Grass | 2015 | Gunter Grass warned of ‘sleepwalking’ into world war in final interview | VIEW | |
46 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | 2020 | International Defence Exhibition | VIEW | ||
47 | Online-Artikel | Reuters | Belinda Goldsmith | 2016 | Just 10 percent of world military spending could knock off poverty | VIEW | |
48 | Online-Artikel | | International Suicide Statistics | VIEW | |||
49 | Online-Artikel | Oxfam International | 2018 | Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year | VIEW | ||
50 | Online-Artikel | CGTN Africa | Halligan Agade | 2020 | World’s wealthiest 2,000 people hold more than poorest 4.6 billion | VIEW | |
51 | Online-Artikel / Video | | Prof. Rosling | 2011 | How many are rich and how many are poor? | VIEW | |
52 | Online-Artikel | Becoming Aware | Ecozwara | 2012 | 20% of the world’s population consumes 80% of its resources | VIEW | |
53 | Online-Artikel/ Video | Huffpost | Antonia Blumberg | 2014 | Every Three Seconds’ Someone Dies Of Hunger | VIEW | |
54 | Online-Artikel | Oxford Academic | John Stover, Lori Bollinger, Neff Walker, Roland Monasch | 2007 | Resource needs to support orphans and vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa | VIEW | |
55 | Online-Artikel | Our World in Data | Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser | 2019 | Clean Water | VIEW | |
56 | Video | YouTube | Severn Suzuki | 2012 | The 12 Year Old Girl Who Silenced the World for 6 Minutes | VIEW | |
57 | Video | YouTube | Dr. John Lennox | 2018 | In the Beginning God – You don’t believe in God? | VIEW | |
58 | Video | YouTube | Charles Price | 2013 | Turning Truth Into Experience | VIEW | |
59 | Video | TED | Billy Graham | 1998 | On technology and faith | VIEW | |
60 | Online-Artikel | Newsweek | Dr. Eben Alexander | 2012 | Proof of Heaven: A Doctor’s Experience With the Afterlife | VIEW | |
61 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Mary Neal | 2019 | I Died, Went to Heaven, and Came Back! | VIEW | |
62 | Online-Artikel | Amazing Bible Timeline | 2021 | Bible History Timeline Chronology | VIEW | ||
63 | Online-Artikel | End Time Upgrade | John Lyall | 2017 | Origin of the Natural World: Divine Intervention? Evolution? Or Both! | VIEW | |
63 | Video | YouTube | JP Moreland, PhD | The Proof For God Without the Bible | VIEW | ||
64 | Video | YouTube | Mark Mittelberg | 2018 | 20 Reasons Why Christianity Is True (God On Trial Conference) | VIEW | |
66 | Online-Artikel | China Aid/ Time | Charlie Campbell | 2016 | China’s Party Members to Be ‘Unyielding Marxist Atheists | VIEW | |
67 | Online-Artikel | Christianity Today | BRIAN C. STILLER | 2017 | China, House Churches, and the Growth of the Kingdom | VIEW | |
68 | Online-Artikel | Radio Prague International | Jan Velinger | 2012 | Poll: Czech Republic second-most atheist country | VIEW | |
69 | Video | YouTube | Douglas B. Whitley, Jr. | 2014 | Life of George Mueller | VIEW | |
70 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Helen Roseveare | Mama Luka Comes Home | VIEW | ||
71 | Video | YouTube | Stephen Kendrick | 2015 | Stephen Kendrick | VIEW | |
72 | Video | YouTube | Mercy Me | 2017 | MercyMe – Even If (Official Lyric Video) | VIEW | |
73 | Video | YouTube | Billy Graham | Billy Graham’s Greatest Sermon “Who is Jesus?” | VIEW | ||
74 | Video | YouTube | Ingrid Bergman | The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (Trailer) | VIEW | ||
75 | Video | YouTube | Jackie Pullinger | 2011 | Interview with Jackie Pullinger | VIEW | |
76 | Video | YouTube | Otto Koning | The Pineapple Story | VIEW | ||
77 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Helen Roseveare | 2011 | Why Does a God of Love Allow Suffering (4 Teile) | VIEW | |
78 | Video | YouTube | Father Greg Boyle | 2017 | On Radical Compassion | VIEW | |
79 | Online-Artikel | Academia | Robert D. Woodberry | 2012 | The Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy | VIEW | |
80 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Craig Keener | 2014 | Miracles in Church History and Today | VIEW | |
81 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Timothy Keller | 2015 | Where Imagination & Innovation Meet | VIEW | |
82 | Video | YouTube | Dr. Peter Kreeft | 2014 | Angels & Demons: Who They Are, and How They Influence Us | VIEW | |
83 | Video | YouTube | Brian Doerksen | 2011 | Creation Calls HD with Lyrics | VIEW | |
84 | Video | YouTube | Dr. John Lennox | 2012 | Is Belief in the Supernatural Irrational? With John Lennox at Harvard | VIEW | |
85 | Foto | MOTOR TALK | Gib deinem Schutzengel eine Chance! | VIEW | |||
86 | Video | ADH e. V. | Christopher Griebel | 2013 | Interview with ADH at München TV | VIEW | |
87 | Video | ADH e. V. | Christopher Griebel | 2010 – 2019 | Interviews with München TV 2010-2019 (German) | VIEW | |
88 | Video | YouTube | Benjamin Davidson | 2021 | “Changing the World with Love” Interview | VIEW | |
89 | Video | YouTube | Lee Strobel | 2018 | The Case for Miracles | VIEW | |
90 | Video | YouTube | Craig Keener | 2014 | Miracles Symposium | VIEW | |
91 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | 2020 | Thomas Niggl | VIEW | ||
92 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | 2020 | Hans Kindermann (Bildhauer) | VIEW | ||
93 | Online-Artikel | Canvas Art Rocks | 2020 | Amazing Banksy Graffiti Artworks With Locations | VIEW | ||
94 | Online-Artikel | Wikipedia | 2021 | Pietà (Michelangelo) | VIEW | ||
95 | Video | YouTube | Retrieved from Franco Zeffirelli’s movie “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” (1972). | 2008 | St Francis Before the Pope – 2 Clips | VIEW | |
96 | Video | YouTube | John Ortberg | 2012 | Start Becoming a Good Samaritan | VIEW | |
97 | Buch | Loyola Press | David Scott | 2005 | A Revolution of Love: The Meaning of Mother Teresa | Seite 16 | |
98 | Video | YouTube | Denzel Washington | “Put God First” – Commencement Speech | VIEW | ||
99 | Online-Artikel | Franciscan Media | Kerry Walters | Mother Teresa: A Saint Who Conquered Darkness | VIEW | ||
100 | Video | YouTube | Lee Strobel | 2018 | The Case for Christ | VIEW | |
101 | Video | YouTube | Vani Marshall | 2017 | Vani Marshall Testimony | VIEW | |
102 | Video | YouTube | Benjamin Davidson | 2021 | Salvation Stories | VIEW |
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