1. Madlen with small children in the Kimbondo Orphanage on the outskirts of Kinshasa.
2. Jens, Lenka and Melanie with Anissa at the SADR Camp in Mushapo (1,000 km from Kinshasa).
3. Our team in Kinshasa, from left to right: CEO Gilbert Nkuli, Ingenieur Jean Vita, Professor André Kapanga, Professor François Mpona.
4. The Congolese do not give up easily – pushing a truck uphill on a sandy road.
5. Wolfgang giving his TEDx Talk.
6. Lenka and Wolfgang with Anissa, 2 days old, still in the orphanage.
7. Lenka and Anissa comfort a baby in the COLK Orphanage.
8. Anissa, 8 years old.
9. Joseph’s hand-washing invention.
10. Joseph with Jos in his jeep, which he rebuilt from an old scooter.
11. Traffic light robot “Made in RDC (Rep. Dem. du Congo).“
12. This is where you can buy phone credit cards.
13. Cargo bikes being pushed long distances in the countryside.
14. “Pousse-Pousse” (pushcart) in Mabala at our school construction site (500 km from Kinshasa).
15. Wolfgang with fruit and vegetable sellers.
16. Street salesman, walking around offering boiled eggs.
17. Selling shoes, clothing, household goods etc.
18. Village school near Mushapo: benches made of simple tree trunks.
19. Jos in a 4×5 meter (215 sq. ft.) classroom for 45 children, in a school near Mushapo, without any benches.
20. Life in the countryside: without electricity and running water.
21. Jean baked first-class bread and pastries in this self-made stone oven in Mushapo.
22. Our school director Pierre with Mushapo pupils in rented school buildings in Tshikapa.
23. UN jeep got stuck on the way to distribute food to children in Kisenso.
24. Heavy “Elephant stools” and carved “Mother with baby” – made from wenge wood.
25. 2000: Lenka at medical camp in Nigeria.
26. 2002: Unloading our humanitarian aid container in the port of Douala, Cameroon
27. On our way to the Pygmies: In the middle of the night, we got stuck in the rainforest.
28. Relief supplies are transferred to boats for remote Pygmy village.
29. Dance of the Pygmy children: typically with head, hands and feet covered.
30. Lenka comforts a new-born Pygmy baby who has lost his mother.
31. 2004: Unloading our humanitarian aid container in Kinshasa.
32. 2008: Marco distributes a warm meal to the children in Kisenso, Kinshasa.
33. Marco’s father, Andreas Bödeker, prepares food packages for the children.
34. Grateful for food package and clothes.
35. Lenka fits shoes for children in Mokali.
36. 2010: We laid this foundation for a school in Kikimi on the outskirts of Kinshasa.
37. 2011: Typical house in Mushapo, made of wooden sticks and clay with elephant-grass roof.
38. New hand-made bricks for our school in Mushapo.
39. Kiln to burn the bricks.
40. Our local manager Jean supervises the school construction.
41. School building with rainproof, corrugated metal roof, almost finished.
42. Sign of gratitude for free schooling.
43. Even strong trucks with all-wheel drive got stuck on the main road from Tshikapa to Angola.
44. We also had trouble with this good 4-wheel-drive.
45. Gabriele Manig, the wife of the German ambassador, with our manager Jean in the pineapple field in front of our school.
46. Our 5 hectare manioc plantation in Mushapo.
47. After harvesting, cassava is soaked for 3 days, then peeled and dried.
48. One of our teachers with her baby on her back.
49. Strong man carrying a motorbike with a suitcase strapped onto it through the river.
50. Happy school children in Mushapo.
51. Mr. Mario, Mayor of Nioki, laying the cornerstone for our parcel.
52. Walls from air-dried bricks with cement mortar.
53. Roof beams are put in place and then painted to keep termites away.
54. Walls are covered with cement plaster against the rain.
55. Nearly 300 children attend our Mabala High School free of charge.
56. Official name of our school: ITAV ADH Mabala.
57. Students harvest peanuts next to our school, …
58. … amaranth vegetables too, …
59. … and bring acacia seedlings from our nursery to our field.
60. Map with locations of our projects (Map outline: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_relief_location_map.jpg, edited by ADH: position and designations of cities and countries)
61. 2010: The German ambassador, Dr. Axel Weishaupt, helps us with food distribution
62. Children in Mushapo proudly show off their homemade football.
63. Mushapo children are so grateful for one little treat.
64. Overcrowded taxi buses in Kinshasa.
65. Lenka and Anissa with village children who all wanted to be in the picture.
66. Anissa (middle) playing with village children in the bush.
67. Girl with a unique hairstyle.
68. 1998: Our van and Josef’s truck with trailer on icy roads in the Ukraine.
69. Hibiscus in South Africa.
70. Porcelain Rose in Kinshasa.
71. Quiver tree (Aloe), Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, Cape Town.
72. Baby pineapple in Congo.
73. Custard Apple in Kinshasa.
74. Mountains and sea near Cape Town.
75. Sunrise at Fimi River near Nioki, DR Congo.
76. Josef Schuster, crossing the Alps, delivering humanitarian aid to Albania.
77. Ndolo national airport in Kinshasa: (left) airplane for national flights, (right) old, scrapped plane.
78. Wolfgang before his flight from Kinshasa to Nioki.
79. TV interview with Christopher Griebel from München TV.
80. 2007: Bullet holes in the back of our donated pick-up.